True North Productions

TM is Proven to Reduce Stress Caused by Trauma of Child Abuse and Domestic Violence

Recently, my wife Connie and I returned from doing our meditation program for a week in the Golden Domes of Pure Knowledge on the campus of Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa.  Participating in the daily meditation in the Dome is truly a joy! As soon as we set foot on the campus I felt the profound silence that pervades the area.  It is a powerful feeling.

During our stay, I was interviewed by 3 radio talk show hosts and 2 television anchors. (Check out my radio and TV appearances.) Plus, I was featured in a newspaper article in the Fairfield Weekly Reader. The University Alumnae Association interviewed me for an article in their newsletter and I appeared in a video segment for the university endowment department. My presentation and book, True North, The Shocking Truth about “Yours, Mine and Ours,” was well received by the people who attended the book signing that was held at the Revelations Book Store and Café. I also was the featured speaker at the University Business Department students’ monthly seminar. It was a delight to share my experience as a student at MUM and to provide insights about the business world the students will be exploring in the not-to-distant future.

During all of this activity, I was happy to have my meditation time where I could turn my attention inward and enjoy the quite space within. There are many well-documented benefits of Transcendental Meditation (TM). For example, studies show that practicing TM can help improve academic performance.

One of the biggest challenges that most people face is managing stress. Reducing stress and helping to create a supportive environment is another benefit of the practice of TM. Learning and practicing TM is more important than ever as a recent NIH study indicates that overwhelmingly, childhood trauma caused by child abuse and domestic violence has a devastating impact on human development and health, and even leads to disease. TM is proven to reduce stress from this trauma.

I can personally attest to this. After living a life of child abuse and domestic violence, I was a mess – I was depressed, unhappy and ill. When I learned TM, I started on a road to healing and recovery – my life turned around.

The David Lynch Foundation has been sponsoring scholarship programs to help women and underprivileged children learn TM and begin to enjoy the benefits of this program.  To learn more about this amazing opportunity, go to

Sitting in the silence of the Maharishi Golden Dome of Pure Knowledge is an honor and a privilege I will cherish forever. I thank the hundreds of meditators who gather there each day

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