True North Productions

Tom North’s Story of Child Abuse and Sexual Abuse is Featured in the Monterey County Herald

logo-smallTom North’s story of growing up in the family made famous in the movie, “Yours, Mine and Ours” starring Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda is in the Monterey County Herald. The article titled, “‘Yours, Mine and Ours’ child shares a darker version of his all-American family”, was written by Herald Staff Writer, Dennis Taylor.

Tom North is the author of  ”True North – The Shocking Truth about “Yours, Mine and Ours”. North tells what it was really like growing up in the household that was wracked with child abuse, sexual abuse and domestic violence. ”Writing ‘True North’ was a cathartic experience, inspired in part by an agreement among several family members (including his mother) to never again support the lie that was ‘Yours, Mine and Ours.’”

North is dedicated to raising awareness about child abuse and domestic violence. He explains, “Denial, looking the other way and covering up abuse contributes to this blight on society. The fact is that five children die from child abuse and neglect every day in the U.S. It has to stop. There is help and hope, even for those who are living in denial.”


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