Helpful Resources for Abuse Victims
Given that the nature of True North is a story of difficulties in childhood caused by child abuse that were overcome by seeking out supportive environments, organizations, people, etc., here is a helpful list for those who might be in need of support with their life circumstances.
Thanks go to Siobhan Greene, director of Voices for Children – CASA Monterey Peninsula, for the list of child support agencies.
The Recovery Village
America’s Promise Alliance
Casey Family Programs
Casey Family Services
Children’s Defense Fund
Child Trends
Child Welfare League of America
National Center for Children in Poverty
National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges
National Foster Care Month Coalition
Children Without a Voice USA
Health and Mental Health:
AACAP Facts for Families
AACAP Mental Health
Educational Advocacy:
Casey Family Programs
California Foster Youth Education Task Force Fact Sheets
Judicial Educational Checklist
California Supplement to the Judicial Educational Checklist
Overview of AB490
AB490 for Attorneys and Advocates
Office of the Attorney General - California Missing Persons. The legalities….but more importantly where the information can be found that should be filed when a child is missing.
Chapin Hall Center for Children – Youth Who Run Away From Substitute Care. A study/paper that was done by the University of Chicago. Based on Illinois statistics over a ten year period (1993-2003). While not from our state and done a few years ago, the information and graphs are really interesting.
I have investigated many kinds of meditation, but what I would like to share with you is that they all fall into one of three categories. These categories are: Concentration, Contemplation, and Transcendental Meditation. My own practice has been focused on Transcendental Meditation for the past 37 years, as I have found it to be the easiest and most effective meditation available today. This is, of course, a biased opinion, but you will make your decisions based on what you feel is most appropriate for you. You can find out more about Transcendtal Meditation at
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Disclaimer: This information is not intended as a substitute for medical advice from a qualified physician. If expert help is needed, the services of an appropriate medical professional should be sought.