True North Productions

Tom North Appears On the SiriusXM Talk Show, “Success Without Stress”, with Host Bob Roth

Hugh Jackman and Tom North are the scheduled guests on SiriusXM Indie Talk Radio-XL Channel 104, “Success without Stress” with host Bob Roth, airing Friday Jun 27, 2014 at 7:00 pm ET.

Bob Roth, is the director of The David Lynch Foundation and he talks to some of the most creative and successful people in the world, as well as leaders from the worlds of military, business, finance and education, about their experience with Transcendental Meditation, the role it plays in their lives, effects it has on their work and the impact of stress on success. Award-wining author and inspirational speaker, Tom North, tells how Transcendental Meditation was his saving grace.

“Success Without Stress” airs on SiriusXM Indie 104 the last Friday of every month, with replays throughout that weekend. For more information visit: SiriusXM

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